Monday, March 19, 2007

SXSW Last Day Wrap Up

This is the end...

So we made it down town around 6 or 7 and had burgers at Jackalope.

Then over to one of the clubs on 6th street to catch an Australian(?) band called Porcelain. Not sure if they were part of the official SXSW or not. They all seemed like very talented musicians but I wasn't blown away by the material. Nevertheless, anyone who comes all the way from Australia to play on a Sunday night has my sincere appreciation.

Porcelain @ random 6th street bar

Over to Emo's for the rest of the night. First it was Dynasty Handbag. I'm not really sure what the deal was and I don't want to sound disrespectful but the best way I can describe this act is a female Richard Simmons stream-of-consciousness spoken word thingy over dub beats. And she had handbags for sale. I defy you to go see her show and keep a straight face.

Dynasty Handbag @ Emo's Jr.

Then V.I.P. from Philly. I think they are just doing this rap thing until they meet some nice girls and settle down.

V.I.P. @ Emo's Jr.

Au revoir SXSW 2007. It were a good one. And that's that.

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